4 New Year’s Resolutions for Cats

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There’s a stereotype out there that cats are stuck in their ways. And while some certainly are, others are up for learning a new thing or two. Helping a cat learn a new skill or to love life a little more can be a bonding experience for both of you.

January is the natural time to set goals and make plans to try something new. It’s a time for New Year’s resolutions and looking ahead. Help Kitty get in on the fun with these four New Year’s resolutions for your cat.

And remember, this should be enjoyable for both of you. If Kitty isn’t into it, it may be best to let her be. She’s PURR-fect just the way she is.

Help your cat work on her anxiety this year

You love your cat, but maybe you’d like to see more of her in 2021. Cats with anxiety are prone to hiding, and too much stress can actually make them sick. Fixing this will likely mean changing some things around the house. Make sure litter boxes are easily accessible, they have spaces like cat trees that are just for them and that you’re feeding them the way Mother Nature intended. 

A fat overweight cat scratching.

©Heorhii Aryshtevych | Getty Images.

Put “lose weight” on your cat’s New Year’s Resolution List

They say cats have nine lives, but it’s best to extend their current one as long as possible. Losing weight can play a big role in this, as excess pounds can cause a variety of issues, including heart disease and joint pain. If your cat could stand to lose a few pounds, talk to your vet about a healthy diet and exercise plan. Other tips: Schedule in play sessions, which double as workouts, and groom them regularly. Frisco’s beginner grooming kit has all the tools you’ll need to help Kitty feel pretty ($12.99, Chewy).

Help your cat venture outside (safely) in the New Year

It can be heartbreaking to watch your cat stare at the window and yowl. But keeping her indoors is safer for her and the animals around them, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. Still, if your cat dreams of going outside, you can help make that happen in 2021 without putting her at risk. Catios, cat-proof fencing systems and strollers are all ways to get Kitty some fresh air. And yes, you can even leash-walk her (if she’s game).

Play with more Amazon boxes

Cats are sort of like toddlers in that you buy them all these toys, and they just want the box. Embrace this quirk with this fun-filled itinerary that will keep Kitty happy all day. You can also go all-out and make a box fort.

Read Next: How to Find the Perfect Cat for Your Family


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