9+ Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

9+ Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Living9+ Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

If you live in a small apartment, it can make things tricky when it comes to adopting a new furry friend. Not all dogs are equally suited to living in a tiny, noisy apartment in the middle of a city. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to do your research ahead of time to make sure that your dog will be able to thrive in their new home.
The good news is that you aren’t limited to just tiny lap dogs when you live in an apartment. Plenty of medium and large dog breeds can also do well in a smaller space. In general, there are four main traits you’ll want to look for when choosing a pooch for your place:

  1. Energy: Any dog is going to be rambunctious as a puppy, but you’ll want to choose a breed that tends to mellow out at 1-2 years old. Dogs that need a lot of daily exercise won’t be a good choice, as you’ll most likely just be able to do morning and evening walks unless you hire a dog walking service.
  2. Friendliness: Part of living in an apartment building, as well as a big city, is being around other people and animals at all times. Dogs that are territorial will not be a good choice, as they’re going to have to meet other people and dogs going in and out of the building.
  3. Barking: Obviously, dogs that bark non-stop are going to drive your neighbors crazy. A few woofs when you come home after work is fine, but smaller dogs that tend to bark at every little sound will probably be a bad choice for apartment living.
  4. Attachment: Sometimes, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. If you’re dog is miserable while you’re away, they’re not going to have a high quality of life. Make sure you choose a slightly more independent breed that will be okay on their own while you’re gone during the day.

Take a look at the infographic from TurboTenant below for a breakdown of the best small, medium, and large dogs for apartment living, along with a few other pet suggestions if you’re not able to have dogs in your place!

The 9 Most Perfect Pooches for Apartment LivingThe 9 Most Perfect Pooches for Apartment Living

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